Moving on...

Wonder where life goes on...
This thought just came over me as i was having some Signature Hot Chocolate. You find a reason to live almost every day. And some days you wonder the very reason of life. All this has only become more complex for me to understand as i keep living through this life wondering where it leads to.
The only way that i see to live is to lead a simple life. Everyone wants to be rich, famous and greatly known. I guess these things happen to you without you realizing it or working too hard towards it if you just keep living a simple life. Expect less, dont try too hard to please others, be yourself and of course share a laugh with other simple people around you. The lighter your life, the longer it spans :)
Little world - tats the name of my blog and how truly it applies to each one of our lives. We all live in a little world of our own. A world which has your family, friends and your experiences. Along the path, this little world of yours keep growing as you make new friends but still keep up with old friends, adding a bucket full of experiences and lots of love along the way.
Still wondering where life leads to. The only person to know the answer would be yourself as you tread along adding your charm to the little world of yours which might just make someone else's world a little more fuller :)


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