Wonder where life goes on... This thought just came over me as i was having some Signature Hot Chocolate. You find a reason to live almost every day. And some days you wonder the very reason of life. All this has only become more complex for me to understand as i keep living through this life wondering where it leads to. The only way that i see to live is to lead a simple life. Everyone wants to be rich, famous and greatly known. I guess these things happen to you without you realizing it or working too hard towards it if you just keep living a simple life. Expect less, dont try too hard to please others, be yourself and of course share a laugh with other simple people around you. The lighter your life, the longer it spans :) Little world - tats the name of my blog and how truly it applies to each one of our lives. We all live in a little world of our own. A world which has your family, friends and your experiences. Along the path, this little world of yours keep growing as you make ne...