
Showing posts from November, 2008

With Family

Who is your strength? And the answer just comes without a thought - my Family!


Focus..Focus..Focus So simple to say or hear, but really difficult to follow if you dont focus :) Time has proven to me that genious is nothing but prolonged focus on one simple thing by one simple fella. There are people with brilliant ideas and there are people who simply stick around and focus on completing a task. Very often, these are the people who go a long way in their career or life. WYSIWYG. I say WYFOIWYG. Yeah that is what is you focus on is what you get. You want to excel at work. Focus. You want to have a good and loving relationship, focus. You want to solve a problem, focus. But for heaven's sake not on problem but on solution. WYFOIWYG. Hope that's a nice thought for the day :)

Moving on...

Wonder where life goes on... This thought just came over me as i was having some Signature Hot Chocolate. You find a reason to live almost every day. And some days you wonder the very reason of life. All this has only become more complex for me to understand as i keep living through this life wondering where it leads to. The only way that i see to live is to lead a simple life. Everyone wants to be rich, famous and greatly known. I guess these things happen to you without you realizing it or working too hard towards it if you just keep living a simple life. Expect less, dont try too hard to please others, be yourself and of course share a laugh with other simple people around you. The lighter your life, the longer it spans :) Little world - tats the name of my blog and how truly it applies to each one of our lives. We all live in a little world of our own. A world which has your family, friends and your experiences. Along the path, this little world of yours keep growing as you make ne